Minilo je dvajset let, odkar je bil prvič predvajan. Susanna Hoffs, ki sem jo kot dvanajstletnik ljubil iz vsega srca, je v začetnem osvetljena kot Brando v Apokalipsi, posnet na 24 sličic. Podčrtano oko zrcali v mehkem fokusu iz Barryja Lyndona. A odsev v zrklu je varljiv: tam je le zaradi lepšega. Penumber, ki ji božajo obraz, ne ustvarjajo zublji samotnega ognja na plaži, ampak neko neznano svetilo, še bolj drgetajoče od neona, a toplejše od plamena. High-speed kamera potrebuje preveč svetlobe. Ali filmski trak posebno emulzijo.
Fotografski prelivi naznanjajo spremljajoče vokale in večglasnost, valovi oceana grmijo kot pavke in nikoli zaključeni crescendi eksplozij raket se ne iztečejo v zoro rožnate barve. Raje se jo uporabi nekje v sredini, morda celo za začetek, saj je tam popolnoma enaka zahodu, ravno tako rožnate barve. Konča se z dekliško igro/plesom ponoči. V mehki mivki Mesta angelov, ki nikoli ni bilo bolj ženstveno in nežno.
Eden iz osemdesetih, ki jih presega v vsem: The Bangles – Eternal Flame.
Twenty years have passed since it was broadcasted for the very first time. In the opening shot Susanna Hoffs – which as a 12-year old I have loved from the bottom of my heart – is lighted like Brando in Apocalypse, filmed at 24 frames. An underlined eye is mirroring in soft focus straight out of Barry Lyndon. Nevertheless, the reflection in the eyeball is deceptive: it is there just for the beauty of it. Penumbrae that are caressing her face are not created by the tongues of secluded bonfire on the beach, but by an unknown illuminant, more quivering than neon, warmer than flame. High-speed camera needs more light. Film needs a special emulsion.
Photo dissolves announce the backing vocalists and multi-voice singing, the ocean waves are thundering like timpani and never-ending crescendos of rocket explosions do not turn into a pink-coloured dawn. The latter is better used somewhere in the middle, maybe even in the beginning, because there it is exactly the same as sunset, of the same rosy shade. It ends with a nocturnal maiden play/dance. On soft sands of City of Angels that has never been more feminine and tender.
One from the eighties that surpasses them all: The Bangles – Eternal Flame.
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