Revizionizmi #5

Morbidni angel med popevkami. Jugoslovenska Carrie.
Eva Sršen in Pridi, dala ti bom cvet; pod gainsbourgovskim okriljem Mojzesa in Velkaverha.

“Večnosti ne bom oznanjala …”

S tem glasom? Tako flat je, kot je lahko le večnost. A vprašanje, za obljubo katere večnosti gre.
“… se smrti ne bojim.”
Na smrt preplašeno dekletce, ki spomni na nekoga, ki prižiga eno cigareto za drugo in pri tem nenehno ponavlja “Samo brez panike”, in hkrati sila, ki se smrti ne more bati, saj jo prinaša. Sirena.
Eva Sršen je bržkone pravo ime za cvetko, ki tako usodno doživlja izgubo nedolžnosti in v svojo past vabi sršene. Čeravno si je težko predstavljati vrstnika, ki je ne bi potem, ko bi zaslišal “Umrla bom zato, da v tebi se rodim”, pri priči ucvrl. Morda cilja na starejše.

Vseeno bi ji moral nekdo pojasniti, da ni nujno, da bo orgazem doživela že čisto prvič. Saj vendar nočemo, da bi bila razočarana.

Eva Srsen – Pridi, dala ti bom cvet


The morbid angel among Yugoslovenian pop goldies. Our very own Carrie.
Eva Sršen: Pridi, dala ti bom cvet (Come, I will let you have a rose); under Gainsbourg-like patronage of Moses (Mojmir Sepe) and Dušan Velkaverh.

“I won’t preach eternity…”

With that voice? It is as flat as only eternity can be. The question is: what kind of eternity is being preached?
“… I’m not afraid of death.”
A girl scared to death – like someone that’s lighting up cigarettes, one after another, and keeps on repeating “Let’s not panic”, and – at the same time – a force that cannot be afraid of death, because it is its bearer. A siren.

Eva Sršen is probably the right name for a flower that is so fatally dealing with the loss of innocence, luring hornets (Sršen meaning hornet) into a trap. Although it is hard to imagine a boy that after hearing “I will die to be born in you” wouldn’t immediately run away. Maybe she’s into the more mature.

Someone should at least tell her it is not certain she will reach an orgasm the very first time. We really wouldn’t want her to be disappointed.

Tags: Revisionisms

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