Smetnjak znova na smetišču: Hey Today!

Smetnjak’s third season starts with a declaration of value and revision of trash. With an awareness that in times when we all are a commodity, we all sooner or later become trash. And once you are wasted and you are trash, discarded by fashion and profitable to no one, you end up on a dump. The place of those, who once were something and now we are nothing. Vacant as we are, we are liberated from constrains, selection and the tyranny of style, free to kick the ball as hard as we can or just gaze limply into the clouds. First on the list to get wasted are the new superheroes of electro twaddle – Hey Today!

Raik Fargo and Dy! emerged from the basement, where they were spending an eternity twiddling knobs and guzzling ice cream only two years ago. Their first single Walk Through is taken on by Kitsuné, which handles out the remixing duties to another Hamburger duo – Digitalism or, to be more precise, to its dimmer half. Isi-talism is obviously so keen on the track that his rework hardly distinguishes from the original. Following action-reaction produces Hey Today!’s neogenesis of Digitalism’s evergreen in minor, Pogo, which they renovate in acidic dance floor behemoth. After they sabotage Shazam’s track Luckier and are spotted by the disreputable savages from Down Under, Bang Gang, they are beyond the point of return: unwary Germans are up to their eyebrows in the universal frenzy. proclaims them as the new wonder boys of electro, Bang Gang issues their EP Wonderman and Armand Van Helden is blown away by their rephrase of his classic Necessary Evil. With their mix for Kitsuné and remixes for the rave legend Zombie Nation as well as the MGMT of this summer – Empire Of The Sun, their way on our junkyard is opened wide. Their noise, which in abundance of filters and distortion blends house and electro, miraculous turntablistic dexterity and variety of exclusive edits, are now ready to be chewed up and then spitted out. I am trash. You are trash. We are Smetnjak.


Smetnjak v tretje začne z deklaracijo vrednote in revizijo odpadka. Z zavedanjem, da v času, ko smo vsi blago, vsi prej ali slej postanemo smeti. Da se, ko si potrošen in postaneš smet, zavržena od modernega in nikomur koristna, znajdeš na smetišču. Prostoru tistih, ki smo nekdaj nekaj bili, sedaj pa smo smeti. Prazni, kot smo, osvobojeni omejitev, selekcije in tiranije stila, lahko žogo nabijamo v steno z vso silo ali pa zgolj bolščimo v oblake. Tokratna potrošna roba: Hey Today!

Raik Fargo in Dy! po dolgih mesecih vijačenja gumbov in nažiranja s sladoledom iz kleti stopita šele dobri dve leti nazaj: za njun prvi singel se zagrebe Kitsuné, remikserske dolžnosti pa preda še enemu dvojcu iz Hamburga – Digitalism, natančneje njegovi temnejši polovici. Isi-talism je nad Walk Through očitno tako navdušen, da se njegova predelava komaj kaj razlikuje od originala. Akcija-reakcija nato prinese Hey Today! neogenezo Digitalismovega molovskega evergrina Pogo, ki ga fanta preobrazita v acidni behemot za plesišče. Ko se zneseta nad komadom Luckier avstralskega frenč hišnika Shazama in ju od dol-spodaj opazijo zloglasni Bang Gang petičneži, je vse skupaj že krepko čez točko povratka: Alemana se nič hudega sluteča znajdeta do vratu v zbrodi vsesplošne histerije. ju hipoma razglasi za nova čudežna dečka elektra (spotoma se še odkašlja, da smo novih junakov – odkar sta Justice z U2 remiksom krenila v koprive – še kako potrebni), Bang Gang, ki briljirajo z Bag Raides, pa jima izda težko pričakovano malo ploščo Wonderman. Miks tejp za Kitsuné in remiks za rejv legende Zombie Nation ter MGMT letošnjega poletja – Empire Of The Sun jima še dodatno zagazijo špuro na smetišče. S hrupom, ki se giblje med housom in elektrom, filtri in distorzijo, turntejblističnimi super močmi ter kopico lastnih editov pod pazduho in Driskoteko na malem plesišču Hey Today! prva stopata na pot brez povratka. Sem smet, si smet, smo smetnjak.

Empire Of The Sun – Standing On The Shore (Hey Today! remix)

Hey Today! – Wonderman

Zombie Nation – Radio Controlled (Hey Today! remix)

Tags: Napovedujemo

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