Dogs mark it – whenever possible – as their territory. The sandbox.
Recently it has been occupied by some other beasts.
It smells of revenge instinct.
Is there a fiercer rival in the battle for human attention?
A dog is just its substitute, a car merely at its service.
The child. It is not a human, jr., it is a completely separate form of being.
Why are the holes in cats fur always in the right places for their eyes? There is something very cunning about a child that comes precisely out of a certain hole.
Cars and dogs searching for a place where no kids go. Hey!
Za svoj teritorij ga, če se le da, markirajo psi. Pač, peskovnik. (Saj niso etimologi.)
Nazadnje so ga zasedle neke druge mrcine.
Diši po instinktu maščevanja.
Kdo je strašnejši tekmec v boju za človekovo pozornost?
Pes je le substitut zanj, avto zgolj njemu na uslugo.
Otrok. Ni mlajši človek, je čisto posebna oblika bitja.
Zakaj so luknje v mačkinem kožuhu natanko tam, kjer so oči? Nekaj zelo premetenega je na otroku, da prileze ravno iz določene luknje.
Cars and dogs searching for a place where no kids go. Hey!
original: Publicis for Dacia / adaptation: Smetnjak with Fejzo
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