1. Who are you, what do you do and where do you do it?
Hey, i’m Anoraak, i make electro-pop music, and i’m from France.
2. Describe your sound in 12 words!
warm summer sand palms cocktails love memories synth beach sweet drums.
That makes 11, you find the 12th.
3. Which musician/music act did most significantly influence your music taste?
BIG question here… let’s go for Chic, Pavement, Weezer, Phil Collins, Robert Palmer, the Commodores, That Dog!, Antonin Dvorak… the list can be long.
4. Blue pill or red pill?
5. Which are your superpowers?
It’s too naughty to be mentionned.
6. Which song should have been on every CD recorded for the loved one?
Inside My Love by Minnie Riperton
7. Who is DJ Umek?
Your brother? ;D
8. Why do they put round pizza in a square box?
To fit the Hot Pepper Sauce in the corners.
9. What do you do, when you are not occupied with music?
I listen to music. Haha!
10. Who is your favourite Game Over member?
The second one, starting from the left
11. Current top 4 for the dancefloor and top 3 for the car?
-Michael Cassette
-Russ Chimes
-Cut Copy
-Emperor Machine
12. Last pearls of wisdom?
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