1. Who are you, what do you do and where do you do it?
I am Goran Uroich aka ManMachine, I make music, I do it in my little room in the city of Zagreb.
2. Describe your sound in 12 words!
Breathtaking, powerful, amazing, glamorous, different, fresh, dazzling, beautiful, magnificent, delirious, adorable, delightful…
3. Which musician/music act did most significantly influence your music taste?
David Bowie, but I have to mention Lou Reed, Frank Black and P.J. Harvey too.
4. Blue pill or red pill?
Red pill because I like the color red better than blue but if we are talking Matrix blue pill or red pill than definitely blue pill. I didn’t like those metal octopuses.
5. Which are your superpowers?
My superpower is knowledge that I don’t have a superpower.
6. Which song should have been on every CD recorded for the loved one?
Chariots Of Fire by Vangelis hahahaha…
7. Who is DJ Umek?
I don’t know who DJ Umek is but the DJ part of his name makes me think that DJ Umek probably puts songs together in a certain order and than plays them with headphones on his head looking all serious.
8. Why do they put round pizza in a square box?
Because it’s easy.
9. What do you do, when you are not occupied with music?
I pretend like I care.
10. Who is your favourite Game Over member?
I have never heard of Game Over.
11. Current top 4 for the dancefloor and top 3 for the car?
Oh man… OK. Top four for the dance floor:
1. Gustav Mahler – Symphony No. 9
2. Eric Satie – Gymnopédie No. 3,
3. Sergei Rachmaninoff – Élégie in E Flat Minor
4. Franz Liszt – Transcendental Etude No. 10 in F Minor
I don’t have a car but if I had one I think that this three songs would be top 3 for the car:
1. Paula Abdul – Rush, Rush
2. 2 Unlimited – No Limit
3. Bon Jovi – Livin’ On A Prayer
12. Last pearls of wisdom?
Nothing lasts forever even cold november rain.
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