Smetnjak x Eternal September // PREDAVANJE // We started a meme, which started the whole world crying

Je bilo kritično teorijo sploh kdaj mogoče prakticirati prek memov? Problem ni le v tem, da si je koncept mema izmislil evolucijski biolog ter da se LOL mačke ne nehajo režati, kar sproža najrazličnejše dvome o informatiki, komunikaciji, izbiri med všeč mi je/ni mi všeč, merljivosti, valorizaciji, problem je tudi v tem, da kritična teorija doživlja lastno krizo, oziroma kot se izrazijo Tiqqun: »Ne potrebujemo še več kritične teorije. Ne potrebujemo še več profesorjev. Zdaj kritika deluje v službi dominacije. Celo kritika dominacije.« Na kratko, se je subverzivnost skrčila na šalo ali je šalo treba jemati zares?


9. september ob 18:00 @ Galerija Škuc, Ljubljana | FB event.


Was it ever possible to practice critical theory within a form of meme? The problem is not just that its concept was invented by evolutionary biologist and that the cats they are a-LOLin’, entailing all the misgivings of informatics, communication, like/dislike binaries, quantification, valorization… it’s also that critical theory has a crisis of its own on its hands, or as Tiqqun puts it: “We don’t need any more critical theory. We don’t need any more professors. Now critique works for domination. Even the critique of domination.” In short, has subversion been reduced to a joke or does the joke itself have to be taken seriously?

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