Ena ura, en sam plan, en monolog, črički (škržati?) in veter kot soundtrack, youtube posnetek na velikem platnu. Anti-spektakel, ki prej povleče na Johna Cagea, a ta pripada drugemu glasbenemu postopku resnice. John Maus o the old guys: »They are great and we should enter into a conversation with them, but they didn’t grow up watching E.T.« Zavest, vzgojena ob Živ Žavu in nato priklopljena na internet, požira le byte-size – 3-minutni komadi, članki kot slikanice, filmi brez tišine. Ko thrill popusti in zaslutimo napor, sežemo po miški ali daljincu. Kaj nas zagrabi v plitvinah koncentracije, med besnim, a bežnim procesiranjem podatkov in resetiranjem spomina? John Maus stavi na pop in spektakel: estetsko sublimnost robota, ki se dviga iz plamenov, kofeinsko maničnost zvoka, skompresirano v verz in refren. Radikalni potenciali popa. Smetnjakova metoda se postavi pred ogledalo.

Projekcija video intervjuja z Johnom Mausom: 22. november ob 20h @ Kiberpipa (kinodvorana), Kersnikova 6, Ljubljana. Vstopnine ni. Facebook event.

John Maus – Big Dumb Man

Keywords: television, twitter, facebook, Socrates, punk rock, visibility, Sex Pistols, Nirvana, Lucifer, Minnesota, New Deal, Ronald Reagan, spam, solitude, Ariel Pink, work, postmodernism, dialectic of enlightenment, caricature, inhumanity, The Invisible Committee, OWS, Abu Ghraib, Hunter S. Thompson, State, horror, record store, society of spectacle, Guy Debord, genre film, James Cameron, Terminator, sublimity, contemporary art, Neveldine/Taylor, Crank: High Voltage, decentered subject, Gilles Deleuze, Luciano Berio, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Theodor W. Adorno, Arnold Schönberg, G. W. F. Hegel, Ludwig van Beethoven, Immanuel Kant, Joseph Haydn, dubstep, music journalism, Simon Reynolds, Slavoj Žižek, Richard Wagner, Alain Badiou, Quentin Meillassoux, Simon Critchley, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, pop theory, Gary War, thumbs up, thumbs down, wikipedia, string theory, biopolitics, Jean-Luc Nancy, Maurice Blanchot, E.T., Giorgio Agamben, Martin Heidegger, Greil Marcus, Friedrich Kittler, Avital Ronell, sense, materiality, EGS, Wolfgang Schirmacher, grad school, publishing company, cultural signifier, celebrity, Jay Bernstein, H. S. Harris, misanthropy, Jacques Rancière, F. M. Dostoyevsky, everyday life, St. Francis, The Psychic Warfare, virtue, Funny Farm, experience, bureaucrat, exception, sweet dude, radical, pragmatism, charity, Søren Kierkegaard, pig, Police, Cops, THX 1138, George Lucas, infinite multiplicity, wager

The Family Business

… or why incest is the best.

Bellow you can hear what happens when two Smetnjak offshoots, NubiS and Mr. Gucci, procreate. This is the sound of them proposing that you should do your family members instead of drugs.

It kind of makes you feel that perhaps you should have kissed that sexy cousin of yours.

Tags: Smeti

Yo-Zo xxx Smetnjak

Nietzschejeva Vesela znanost št. 39:
“Sprememba splošnega okusa je pomembnejša kakor sprememba mnenj; mnenja z vsemi dokazi, ugovori in z vso intelektualno maškarado so le simptomi spremenjenega okusa in prav gotovo ne njegovih vzrokov, zaradi česar jih še tako pogosto izgovarjamo. Kako se spreminja vsesplošni okus? S tem, da posamezni, mogočni, vplivni brez občutka sramu izgovarjajo svoj hoc est ridiculum, hoc est absurdum, se pravi sodbo svojega okusa in gnusa, in ga tiransko uveljavljajo – s tem številnim vsiljujejo rešitev, iz katere polagoma nastane privajenost še marsikoga in nazadnje potreba vseh.”

Vsak pust je vaška veselica!

Tags: Smeti

Volatile, No Doubt

We have waited a long time for this and, finally, here it is – the first Volatile E.P. on Mako Records. Be among the first to hear it.

Heil, Volatile! We are proud.

Volatile – No Doubt EP teaser

Illustration: Fejzo; logo: Žiga Artnak

Tags: Muzika, Smeti