Mi smo Smetnjak in odločamo, kaj je 'čis' hudo', 'boln'ca' in 'kul'. Narekovaji so tam, ker sami teh besed ne bi uporabili. Nismo se gnali za takimi pristojnostmi, vaša hierarhija nas ne zanima. Izbrali ste nas sami. Izbrali ste naš okus. Častite ga, mi ga presegamo. Nimamo obrazov, a nas vaše punce, sestre in sosede prepoznajo. Vaši prijatelji nas želijo trepljati po ramah. Ne razglašamo, da nam ni mar za vaše občudovanje. Mlade porednice, ki ne potrebujejo prepričevanja, nas ne dolgočasijo. Dolgočasi nas hedonizem. In zdolgočasenost. Cinizem nas ne zanima. Včasih se sprehajamo v vetru. Preletavajoča vrečka nam je še vedno lahko izredna. Če se potrudimo, nam je zanimiv tudi Omar Naber. Ali Boys Noize. Črno za našimi nohti je menda šarmantno. Naša očarljivost ni namen, je pritiklina. Vedno ne gledamo, a pogosto vidimo. Skozi. Začutimo razliko med nič ne reči in modro molčati. Trudimo se, da bi vas imeli radi. Imamo vas radi. Vidite, kako preprosto nas je sovražiti. mi.smo@smetnjak.si
3. Which musician/music act did most significantly influence your music taste?
David Bowie, but I have to mention Lou Reed, Frank Black and P.J. Harvey too.
4. Blue pill or red pill?
Red pill because I like the color red better than blue but if we are talking Matrix blue pill or red pill than definitely blue pill. I didn’t like those metal octopuses.
5. Which are your superpowers?
My superpower is knowledge that I don’t have a superpower.
6. Which song should have been on every CD recorded for the loved one?
I don’t know who DJ Umek is but the DJ part of his name makes me think that DJ Umek probably puts songs together in a certain order and than plays them with headphones on his head looking all serious.
8. Why do they put round pizza in a square box?
Because it’s easy.
9. What do you do, when you are not occupied with music?
I pretend like I care.
10. Who is your favourite Game Over member?
I have never heard of Game Over.
11. Current top 4 for the dancefloor and top 3 for the car?
1.Who are you, what do you do and where do you do it? Eins: We are Snuff Crew, two masked guys with a big love for that certain moment of bodyjacking. We do it on stage, at home, in the studio and in your ears. :)
2. Describe your sound in 12 words! Eins: Jacking, housy, euphoric, acidtweeking, ecstatic, loud
Zwei: Banging, oldschoolish, twirling, heavy, upfront, different
3. Which musician/music act did most significantly influence your music taste? Eins: All the Chicago House godfathers from the 80s as well as some house, techno, acid and IDM producers from the 90s.
Zwei: Everybody who went beyond musical borders and didn’t give a damn about trends and habits.
4. Blue pill or red pill? Eins: Depends on how they work. A blue pill could cause trouble at the security check probably. :)
Zwei: I prefer Pils.
5. Which are your superpowers? Eins: A big love for music, food, places, moments, people, girls..
Zwei: The ability to sneak between the party people before and after the gig without being recognized :)
6. Which song should have been on every CD recorded for the loved one? Eins: Snuff Crew presents Snuffo – “Missing You (All The Time)” :)
Zwei: Kylie Mynogue – Do The Locomotion.
7. Who is DJ Umek? Eins: Who is Snuff Crew?
Zwei: I always have to think of the canned soup brand “Unox” when I think of the name Uros Umek – sorry, I can’t resist. But I actually like his stuff, I still have his “Neuro” LP at home, released on the great Tehnika label (which also released the Octex album, still one of my all time favourites).
8. Why do they put round pizza in a square box? Eins: Because they can. :)
Zwei: So that you can use the box for shipping records afterwards, I guess.
9. What do you do, when you are not occupied with music? Eins: Trying everything to be occupied again with music, working on other arts or losing time and space in the crazy nightlife of Berlin.
Zwei: Leading an average life. Could be compared to Peter Parker.
10. Who is your favourite Game Over member? Eins: Game Over?
Zwei: Bowser
11. Current top 4 for the dancefloor and top 3 for the car? Eins: Dancefloor:
1) Skatebard – Love in the Night (Bordello A Parigi)
2) Ma Spaventi – The Jungle/Insanity (MOS Deep)
3) In Aeternam Vale – La Piscine (Minimal Wave)
4) House of Stank – Beat and a Blur (Snuff Crew Remix (Get Up Recordings)
Car (I actually don`t have one)
1) TM404 – TM404 (Kontra-Musik)
2) Basic Soul Unit – Motional Response (Still Music)
3) Stefan Gubatz – Distanz (Telrae)
1. Who are you, what do you do and where do you do it?
I am Strahil Velchev, from Sofia. Some people know me as the music artist KiNK. I produce electronic music, I play it live and sometimes I play other people’s records as a dj.
2. Describe your sound in 12 words.
Futuristic, with respect to the past, technological, raw, detailed, honest, with energy.
3. Which musician/music act did most significantly influence your music taste?
The first name that comes to my mind is Aphex Twin. When I listen to some of his works, I feel something that Alvin Toffler describes as ”Future Shock” or “too much change in too short period of time”. I love that!
4. Blue pill or red pill?
The red one please.
5. Which are your superpowers?
Sometimes it happens that I don’t really know what I’m doing with my gadgets on stage, but I look confident, so people think it’s part of the show and I’m doing it really well. I must have some sort of a mind control ability. Otherwise – patience, dedication and quick fingers. And the ability to beat-match by ear. That’s a superpower these days, right?
6. Which song should have been on every CD recorded for the loved one?
Slovenian dance music superstar. I heard of him in the late ’90s, I like his earlier works.
8. Why do they put round pizza in a square box?
For a contrast.
9. What do you do, when you are not occupied with music?
When the music was only a hobby, I was doing it when I was not occupied with something else. Now it’s the same, which means that I don’t do many other things. I’m very grateful to my partner in life for her patience! And to my neighbors too!
1. Kdo si, kaj počneš in kje to počneš? Olmo Omerzu. Filmski režiser. Diplomiral sem na praški FAMU. Zaenkrat snemam predvsem na Češkem.
2. Povzemi svoj slog v 12 besedah. Slog pri meni vedno izhaja iz teme, zgodbe … Rad bi preslikoval stvari, ki se dogajajo znotraj človeka, na čim bolj neposreden, “dokumentaren” način.
3. Kateri filmarji so najbolj vplivali nanj? Maurice Pialat, Terence Davies, John Cassavetes, Jean Eustache.
4. Modra ali rdeča tableta? Jem predvsem tablete proti glavobolu. V prihodnje bi jih rad užival manj.
5. Katere so tvoje super moči? Včasih sem znal striči z ušesi, a tega več ne počnem.
6. Kateri komad bi moral bit na vsakem CDju, posnetem za ljubljeno entiteto? I’ll be your mirror – The Velvet Underground and Nico.
7. Kdo je DJ Umek? Protokolarni DJ.
8. Zakaj je okrogla pica vedno v kvadratni škatli? Ne vem. Naj raje kaj ukrenejo z luknjicami ob straneh. Olje teče skozi.
9. Kaj počneš, ko se ne ukvarjaš s filmom? Čisto običajne človeško – živalske stvari.
10. Kdo je tvoj najljubši Game Over član? Bom z odločivijo počakal na kakšen “revival” benda.
11. Trenutni naj 4 za na plesišče in naj 3 za v avto? Micachu & The Shapes – Heaven Midi Lidi – Pokoj John Maus – Hey Moon Pet Shop Boys – Love etc. Future Islands – An Apology Gill Scott-Heron and Brian Jackson – Beginnings (The First Minute of a New Day) Animal Collective (celotna diskografija)
12. Zadnji biseri modrosti? Nimam biserov. Obožujem pa Diamante noči Jana Němca.