Tag Archives: Autonomism

A meme is dangerous, much more than Janez Janša

Our essay on memes got published in the Eternal September catalogue, read it on pages 14-23.

Keywords: Walter Benjamin, modishness, LOLcat, Deleuze & Guattari, The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins, Social Darwinism, bi-winning, critical theory, Frankfurt School, Freiburg School, Theodor W. Adorno, Slavoj Žižek, Guy Debord, spectacle, Robocop, John Maus, Gustave Flaubert, literacy, N. Katherine Hayles, hyper attention, Matteo Pasquinelli, Daft Punk, Vstaja, Federico Campagna, Saul Bellow, Silvio Berlusconi, satire, humour, Karl Kraus, carinature, Paolo Virno, Tiqqun, hapax legomenon, Franz Kafka, Robert Walser, autonomism, movement of ’77, withdrawal

Predavanje o memih je kot razlaganje vica. 53-minutno razlaganje vica

Tags: Memefy