Tag Archives: Uroš Urbanija

Neslavne barabe

Pozabite na No Country for Old Men, it’s really all about the Inglourious Basterds.

Gre za pravi pravcati alternativnozgodovinski zaplet, vreden Tarantina. Urbanija in njegova peščica neslavnih barab se na nacionalki in izven nje bori proti bistveno številčnejšim nacijem, ki bi radi izpeljali končno rešitev.

Ker so naciji že zdavnaj zapravili svojo človečnost, Urbanija et co. v skladu s tarantinovskim etosom uporabljajo vsa razpoložljiva sredstva in so povsem brez milosti.

Da je prispevek o prepovedi Mladine za Dnevnik naredil ravno Gašper Petovar, ni nobeno naključje. Prva povezava do Inglourious Basterds je seveda njegov roleplaying fetiš na naci uniforme. A gre dlje od tega.

Še kot novinar Sveta24 je bil Petovar leta 2019 producent in soscenarist kratkega filma Za vsako ceno (!). Film je bil premierno prikazan na filmskem festivalu Muvit v Novi Gorici (!) in osvojil tretjo mesto, žirija pa ga je primerjala z ničimer drugim kot s filmi Quentina Tarantina.

In other words, evo vam Štefančiča po Štefančiču.

КАФАНА x Smetnjak: the Fascionista Collection

Since КАФАНА is frog-friendly and Smetnjak Pepe-compatible it was only a matter of time before these two met, bred, and produced what is known as the Fascionista collection. T-shirts are made from 100% cotton, one size fits all. Order here.

There’s the end quote of Walter Benjamin’s classic essay The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: “Mankind’s self-alienation has reached such a degree that it can experience its own destruction as an aesthetic pleasure of the first order. This is the situation of politics which Fascism is rendering aesthetic.” It’s one of those quotes that the normie left-wingers love to refer to. We would add to this quote another very controversial one from Ernst Lubitsch’s wartime comedy To Be or Not to Be. A Polish actor posing as a Gestapo guy thus describes the concentration camps: “We do the concentrating and the Poles do the camping.” So, if we combine these two quotes, we could say: right now the government does the fascism and Smetnjak does the aesthetization. You just pull this process apart and make something happen. It’s a match made in heaven… and hell.