Tag Archives: Vinci Vogue Anžlovar

Človek človeku Vogue

Serge Daney leta 1985 o zgornji misiji1: “These were my thoughts a few days ago while watching on television images of very famous singers and very starving African children. The rich singers (“We are the world, we are the children!”) were mixing their image with the image of the skinny children. Actually they were taking their place; they were replacing and erasing them. Mixing stars and skeletons in a typical fast editing where two images try to become one, the video elegantly carried out this electronic communication between North and South. /…/ These are the images I would like at least one teenager to be disgusted by and ashamed of. Not merely ashamed to be fed and affluent, but ashamed to be seen as someone who has to be aesthetically seduced where it is only a matter of conscience – good or bad – of being a human and nothing more. /…/ What was the meaning of Godard’s formula2 if not that one should never put himself where one isn’t nor should he speak for others?”

Diskurz o lakoti (tistih drugih, nevidnih) kot priložnost za lastno vidnost. Oglaševanje oglašuje samo sebe. Siti besed, a nikdar fraz. Če ne drugega, (se) vsaj slabo igrajo.

Požrtvovalnost odpetih srajčnih gumbov. Če se že razkazujejo frisi, čemu se ne bi še oprsja? Lačna usta menda ja ne bodo razpravljala o okusnosti, naj gre za hrano ali početje. Bernard-Henri Lévy, svetovni prvak v tej disciplini3, se nastavlja soncu v Darfurju. Prizorišče genocida kot plaža ali solarij. Tetka gre na Jug. “Glejte me, kako gledam bedo in lakoto, ki je vi nočete videti.” Revolucionarni turizem sreča Unicef turizem. Turizem, ki ima ravno kot simulacija najbolj uničujoče učinke. Človek človeku Vogue.

  1. V posnetku, ki ga je gledal, so se podobe afriških otrok še izmenjevale, prelivale s podobami zvezdnikov, iz pričujočega so že izginile. []
  2. “Tracking shoti so moralni problem.” []
  3. Tako kot v oni drugi, psevdofilozofiji, v kateri potolče celo Žižka. []

Tags: We are Trash