Revizionizmi #4: Me, Myself and U2

Miha Šalehar once mentioned he had a poster of Bono on the wall of his bedroom that read:
“Messiah or Charlatan?”

Is it not the same question that Bono asks himself in One? The question of non-identity? The question of being one’s own marionette?

“We’re one,
but we’re not the same
we get to carry each other
carry each other
Have you come here for forgiveness
have you come to raise the dead
have you come here to play Jesus
to the lepers in your head”

Convention goes: One is a song about Bono and his relations with others.
Here it shall be said: One is a song about Bono and his relations with himself that is the other.

Probably he has never been closer to Rimbaud (“je est un autre”) that other professed messiah/charlatan who also had some kind of thing for Africa.

So how does Bono address himself?
“Me, myself and U2.”
There are three videos for One (Bono is catholic after all and the duet does not count). Phil Joanou’s version is the most thesis-friedly. The woman is just a diversion.


Miha Šalehar je nekoč omenil, da je imel na steni otroške sobe obešen Bravov plakat Bona, na katerem je pisalo:
“Messias oder Scharlatan?”

Mar si istega vprašanja Bono ne zastavlja v One? Vprašanja neidentitete? Kako biti sam svoja marioneta?

Konvencija gre: One je pesem o Bonu in njegovih odnosih z drugimi.
Tukaj bodi rečeno: One je pesem o Bonu in njegovih odnosih z njim, ki je drugi.

Menda ni bil nikdar bliže Rimbaudu (“je est un autre”), še enemu odrešeniku/šarlatanu, ki je imel prav tako nekaj z Afriko.

Kako se torej Bono naslavlja?
“Me, myself and U2.”

Obstajajo trije spoti za One (Bono je vendarle katolik in duet ne šteje). Verzija Phila Joanouja je najbolj naklonjena tukajšnji tezi. Ženska je le speljevanje pozornosti.

Tags: Revisionisms

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